8 Tips To Enhance Sexual Intimacy During Menopause

In this article, we will explore various strategies to help you build emotional and sexual intimacy during menopause. Keep reading to learn more about this!

Published Jul 19 2023 3 min read

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycles and fertility. It is often associated with a range of physical and emotional symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and vaginal dryness. These changes can have a significant impact on a woman's emotional and sexual well-being, making it crucial for individuals and couples to learn how to maintain intimacy during this phase of life. 

In this article, we will explore various strategies to help you build emotional and sexual intimacy during menopause. 

1. Open communication

The foundation of any strong relationship is open and honest communication. Discuss your menopause symptoms, fears, and expectations with your partner. This will help you both understand each other better and find ways to support each other during this transition. Also, share your feelings about intimacy and any apprehensions you may have. By fostering a safe space for open dialogue, you will be able to navigate the changes in your relationship more effectively. 

2. Educate yourself and your partner

Learn about the physical and emotional changes that occur during menopause to comprehend your evolving body and feelings better. After that, discuss this information with your partner to help them relate to your experiences and offer the needed support. There are many resources, like books, websites, and support groups, that offer useful information about menopause and how it affects relationships. 

3. Focus on emotional intimacy

Emotional intimacy is the foundation of a strong and healthy relationship. It is important to take time to connect with your partner on a deeper emotional level, whether it's through meaningful conversations, shared experiences, or expressing love and appreciation. On top of that, encourage your partner to share their feelings and listen actively to create a strong emotional bond. This emotional connection can help you both navigate the changes in your sexual relationship. 

4. Experiment with non-sexual physical touch

Physical touch is a vital aspect of intimacy, even when it's not sexual in nature. Incorporating non-sexual physical touch into your daily life, such as cuddling, holding hands, or giving each other massages, can greatly help. This can maintain a level of closeness and connection that can be beneficial during menopause, when sexual desire may fluctuate or decrease. 

5. Explore new sexual experiences

Menopause can present an opportunity to explore new sexual experiences together. Experiment with different types of touch, positions, techniques, and sex toys to find what feels best for both of you. Remember, be open to new experiences and maintain a sense of curiosity and playfulness in your intimate relationship. 

6. Address painful sex 

Vaginal dryness is a common symptom of menopause that can make intercourse uncomfortable or painful. To address this issue, use a water-based lubricant during sex or consider trying a vaginal moisturizer. Also, talk to your healthcare provider about hormone therapy or other treatment options that may help alleviate vaginal dryness. 

7. Prioritize self-care

Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally is essential during menopause. So, prioritize self-care activities, such as exercise, healthy eating, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. These habits will help improve your overall well-being and can have a positive impact on your emotional and sexual intimacy. 

8. Seek professional help

Finally, if you struggle to maintain emotional and sexual intimacy during menopause, consider seeking professional help. A therapist or counsellor specializing in relationships and sexual health can provide guidance and support in navigating the challenges menopause presents. 


Building emotional and sexual intimacy during menopause may require patience, open communication, and a willingness to explore new experiences. By understanding the changes occurring in your body and working together as a couple, you can maintain a strong, healthy, and intimate relationship throughout this transition. Remember, menopause is a natural part of life, and with the right support and strategies, you can continue to enjoy a fulfilling emotional and sexual connection with your partner. 

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